We start saving you time and money from the point the need arises for a locum to when the locum is paid for their services.
Below are some features and benefits that Workflare LAM offers. Sign up today to improve your locum booking and management process.
Instantly add up to 5,200 locums to your direct locum pool
Workflare will continually grow your direct locum pool
Dedicated branded sign up page for locums (coming soon)
Invite your existing direct locums
Mark locums as "preferred" to received shift notifications first
Block locums that you do not want to work in your pharmacy
Invite your existing agencies
Mark agencies as “preferred” to received shift notifications before other agencies
Block agencies that you do not want to work with
Agencies get new and updated shift notifications automatically
Increased access to agency locums with the Workflare Agency Marketplace
Post shifts to direct locums and agencies in a single action
Delay shift notifications to agencies to reduce booking fees
Enable instant booking for preferred locums and applications for other locums
Book preferred locums (regulars) more often
Zero risks of double booking
Specify compliance requirements for direct locums
Regional customisation of compliance requirements
Workflare can verify provided information on your behalf
Ability to override requirements when posting shifts
Match locums to shift requirements (NMS, EHC etc) to improve service delivery
Customisable invoices to match organisation requirements
Easy invoice dispute process (coming soon)
Mark invoices as approved or paid
Invoice status notifications are automatically sent to locums
Export invoice details to accountant/finance team
Locum spend trends
Locum rates trends by region
Locum booking frequency to support IR35 analysis
Free reports
Save time and money today!